The 8 Components of Brand Strategy
Market Research - your decisions need to be based on actual research instead of just what you think people want and need.
Target Audience - identify who you serve and what problem they are facing.
Purpose & Promise - sum up your brand purpose in a clear and concise brand statement with maximum impact by defining the results or transformation your provide.
Offerings - how do you provide these results?
Customer Journey - map out your customer journey so you can take them on the right path to the success they are looking for.
Positioning & Differentiation - this is defining why you do what you do differently than someone who does the same thing you do. The type and positioning of your brand and how it speaks to your customer.
Voice & Personality - define the right brand voice and personality so you can say the right thing to the right person.
Message - produce memorable content with your brand through storytelling and messaging.1.