5 Point Strategy for Social Media Content
Your Passion. The things we are passionate about are not random. Sharing the things we are passionate about is one of the most beautiful aspects of social media.Education
The Expert. Sharing educational tips and advice not only makes it easy for you to help and serve those around you, but it will also place you as an expert in your industry.Personal
Who You Are. By sharing personal things, you’ll create a personal connection and allow those who follow along your journey to get to know you.Promotion
Making a Sale. Promoting your services and products is so important because someone out there is looking for exactly what you have to offer. Sure, social media IS about connection, but adding a few posts a month to promote what you do, is a great way to scale your business.Engaging
Engaging with Others. It’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly talking about what you do, what you’re passionate about, who you are, but posting engaging content to get to know your audience is a beautiful way to turn your platform into a two-way conversation.